Sunday, October 28, 2012

4 - Inicido de Sammy

4 - Inicido de Sammy

Sammy tiene 4 personas en su familia. Sammy tiene un padre, una hermana, una, madre, y el! Sammy rocas! Estos son los libros favoritos de Sammy:

  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid 6: Cabin Fever
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid 4: Dog Days
  • Infinito Ring 1: Un motin en el Tiempo
  • Libro Favorito de Sammy: The 39 Clues
Sammy es agradable, servicial, lindo, muy inteligente, le encanta nada chico Dance. El ama a su familia. El mismo se ama mas. Sus pasatiempos son hacer un sitio web, haciendo un juego de PowerPoint, escribiendo en la computadora, jugando al mini golf, jugando el iPad, que tiene citas de juego con los amigos. Sammy es un nino muy inteligente y lindo. 

Juegos En todas Partes
Sammy le encanta los juegos. Y usted? Te gustan los juegos? Deja un comentario y decir "______, acabo de juegos. ______ Gracias por invitarme!" De acuerdo? Dueno, los juegos favoritos de Sammy son:

  • Infinito Ring Game
  • Cool Math Games Website
  • Beyblade
  • Ejecutar
  • Ejecutar 2
  • Mas y mas y mas!
Bueno, vamos a obtener la idea principal. Sammy le encanta los juegos.

Sobre mi maestra de 3er grado y mi director y Mi Escuela, Cantiague
Mi escuela se llama Escuela Primaria Cantiague. El nombre de mi director es el Sr. Sinanis. Mi maestra de 3er grado se llama Mrs. Maione. Yo amo a mi escuela porque el director es muy agradable, y los profesores son tan maravilloso. Me pregunto por que la Escuela Primaria Cantiague es tan impresionante. Además, la Escuela Primaria Cantiague son rellenos de cubo! Sr. Sinanis es muy agradable, y la escuela está comenzando a principios de este año, 29 de agosto. Me encanta esta escuela. Cantiague escuela primaria son rellenos de cubo.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

3 - Sammy's Story

3 - Sammy's Story
Sammy's First Story
Title: The Ghost Jacket
By: Samuel Lee

Chapter: 1 - First Day of School
It was the first day of school. Joshua was nervous. He was afraid that the kids at school laughed at him because last year he called himself "Squeaky" and a lot of kids laughed when THAT happened. So, he got ready for school, dressed up, and ate breakfast. He went outside. He was also afraid that the kids in the BUS will laugh at him also. So, when the bus came, he went on the bus. All of the people on the bus laughed at him. Someone said, "Hi, SQUEAKY BOY," then he laughed. He was angry. He sat on a seat and went to school. He went into his school. It was the first day of school.

Chapter: 2 - Meeting Joshua's Teacher
Joshua went inside his school. He saw his principal, Mrs. Williger. She came to Joshua and said, "Hi, Joshua! Ready for a new year of school?" Joshua didn't say anything. "Oh, is it the fact that you called yourself "Sqeaky" and everybody laughed at you?" "Yeah," said Joshua. "Well, I know how you're feeling," said Mrs. Williger. He went upstairs and went to his classroom, room 19. He saw his friends there. Everybody laughed. He saw his teacher. Even his teacher laughed at him! He went in his classroom with his class. 'Ugh that and ugh this,' thought Joshua. He saw his classroom. His jaw dropped.
Chapter 3 Coming On 10/29/2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

2 - Stories From My Family

2 - Stories From My Family
Title: About Biomechanics
By: Dr. Jong Beom Lee, Ph.D.

What is Sport and Exercise Biomechanics?

Sport and Exercise Biomechanics is a title that encompasses the area of science concerned with the analysis of mechanics of human movement. In other words it is the science of explaining how and why the human body moves in the way that it does. In sport and exercise that definition is often extended to also consider the interaction between the performer and his or her equipment and environment. Biomechanics is traditionally divided into the areas of kinetics (concerning the analysis of the forces acting on the body) and kinematics (concerning the analysis of the movements of the body).

What Do Biomechanists Do?

The following are the some examples of the areas where Biomechanics is applied to either support performers or solve issues in sport or exercise:
· The identification of the optimal technique for enhancing sports performance
· The analysis of body loading to determine the safest method for performing a particular sport or exercise task
· The assessment of muscular recruitment and loading
· The analysis of sport and exercise equipment e.g., shoes, surfaces and racquets.
Biomechanists are generally involved in attempting to either enhance performance or reduce the injury risk in the sport and exercise tasks examined.
My mom's and my sister's story coming soon!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

1 - Samuel's Homepage

1 - Samuel's Homepage

Sammy Rocks!
Sammy Lee has 4 people in his family. Samuel has a dad, a sister, a mom, and him! Sammy rocks! Here are Sammy's favorite books:
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid 6: Cabin Fever
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid 4: Dog Days
  • Infinity Ring 1: A Mutiny in Time
  • Sammy's Favorite Book: The 39 Clues
Sammy is nice, helpful, cute, very smart, loves Just Dance kid. He loves his family. He loves himself the most. His hobbies are making a website, making a PowerPoint game, writing on the computer, playing Mini Golf, playing the iPad, having play dates with friends. Sammy is a very smart, and cute kid

Sammy's Favorite Authors
Sammy's favorite authors are Jeff Kinney, Jim Paillot, Dan Gutman, James Dashner, and more! Sammy has a lot of favorite authors. Over 50 of them! Well, Sammy still rocks.

Games Everywhere
Sammy just loves games. How about you? Do you love games? Leave a comment and say "_____, I just _____ games. Thanks for asking me!" Okay? Well, Sammy's favorite games are:
· Beyblade
· Run
· Run 2
· More and More and More!
Okay, let's get the main idea. Sammy just loves games.

About My 3rd Grade Teacher and My Principal and My School, Cantiague
My school is called Cantiague Elementary School. My principal's name is Mr. Sinanis. My 3rd grade teacher is called Janine Maione. I love my school because the principal is nice, and the teachers are so wonderful. I wonder why Cantiague Elementary School is so awesome. Also, Cantiague Elementary School are bucket fillers! Mr. Sinanis is so nice, and school is starting early this year, August 29th. I love this school. Cantiague Elementary School are bucket fillers.

About My School: 2012 National Blue Ribbon Award
Cantiague Elementary School (my school) won the Blue Ribbon AWARD! I know you feel jealous but we actually did it. We have the Super Six, are rule. We have to be respectful, safe, be a superstar, responsible, kind, and we have to be positive. I can't believe we won the blue ribbon award.

About Janine Maione (My teacher)
Janine Maione is pretty. She works at Cantiague Elementary School. Her favorite color is purple and her favorite number is five. I love her. Maybe she's 12 years old. Her birthday is October 13th. I love Mrs. Maione.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 7: The Third Wheel
Today at Cantiague Elementary School, we had a book fair. I had 20 dollars. So, I ordered the Diary of a Wimpy Kid 7: The Third Wheel. And I had to wait until November 13. So that's a long time from now. Ugh. I don't know how many days is that. From today, to November 13. It's a long time. I still rock.

About My School: Mrs. Korrow
Mrs. Korrow was my 2nd grade teacher. She was so awesome. She's like my best teacher in the WORLD! I love Mrs. Korrow. Wait, Mrs. Maione. Uh oh. This is a graph how I like my teacher and my 2nd grade teacher.
· Mrs. Korrow (49%)
· Mrs. Maione (51%)
I love them.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: It Rocks!
I love Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It's like the best book I have read! I just love Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Well, I'm getting Diary of a Wimpy Kid number 7, the new one. It's called The THIRD (3rd) Wheel (spinning around round, round, round, and round). I wonder why Jeff Kinney (the author of Diary of a Wimpy Kid) is so good at writing. If I were Jeff Kinney, I'd be writing one book one day. Yeah, that's right. And I'll have more than 100 Diary of a Wimpy Kid books by then. My favorite series is maybe The 39 Clues, but it's really Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I still rock and Diary of a Wimpy Kid rocks.

The World's Hardest Game 1:2
If you know the World's Hardest game, then you're good. If you don't know what the World's Hardest Game is, click here. Yeah, well, if you played it before, it's really hard. You might want to try it. If you want to play The World's Hardest Game number 2 click here. Yeah, that's really hard too. PLAY IT!!!!!!!!!!

Classroom in School: The Classroom
Our classroom is a wonderful classroom. It has a lot of stuff in our classroom. There is Mrs. Maione in the classroom and our class. There's the guessing jar in our classroom:
The guessing jar happens every month. We have to guess how many whatever is in there. We have to guess on a sheet. Whoever guessed the closest wins all the candy. If there are two winners, they have to split it into two. For example, there are two people who won. The right answer was 100. They each have to get 50. So, that's it. There's also a Flavor of the Week:
Flavor of the Week is when you get your turn to be the flavor of the week, you have to tell about yourself. And, you have to write it on a sheet (with lines on it). That's all. Bye! I still rock.

Minjae and Sunjae: My Friends
Minjae and Sunjae are my best friends. Sunjae is kind of like a baby. Minjae is a truthful, nice, caring, SMART kid. He is my best friends forever (BFF). I also have a better BFF than Minjae. His name is Harrison Kane. Last year, on my year book, he wrote to me, "I'm your BFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Love, Harrison" That is true. I still love Minjae and Sunjae. And I love Minjae way better than Sunjae. I still rock.

Sammy's Hobbies
Sammy's Hobbies:
Likes: Computer, His Family, Minjae, Harrison, Writing, Typing on the computer
Dislikes: Homework, Schoolwork, Heavy Backpacks, long books, writing too long and more
Yeah. I know. I dislike too many things. Well, whatever. It's just hobbies. Right? I still rock.